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6 Axis Robot Welding Application

6 Axis Robot Welding Application

Review Date 12/05/2013 By

         ¨Ò¡Ê¶Ò¹Ð¡ÒûѨ¨ØºÑ¹ ¤èÒáçÊÙ§¢Öé¹ã¹ à»ç¹»Ñ­ËÒ·Õè·ÓãËéµé¹·Ø¹ã¹¡ÒüÅÔµÊÙ§¢Öé¹µÒÁ »ÃСͺ¡Ñº¡Òà Turn Over ¢Í§¾¹Ñ¡§Ò¹ ÊÙ§¢Öé¹à¹×èͧ´éÇ ¤èÒáç·ÕèÊÒÁÒö¨Ðä»·Ó§Ò¹·Õèä˹ æ ¡çä´é ¨Ö§à¡Ô´à»ç¹»Ñ­ËÒ·Õè ÇÔÈÇ¡ÃÍÂèÒ§àÃÒ æ ¨Ðµéͧ¤Ô´¤é¹ â»ÃਤµèÒ§ æ ÁÒ¡ÁÒÂ㹡ÒÃÅ´¢Ñ鹵͹¡Ò÷ӧҹ´éǤ¹ ã¹Çѹ¹Õé 108engineering ¨Ð¡ÅèÒǶ֧ Industrial Robot ËÃ×ÍËØè¹Â¹µì ÍصÊÒË¡ÃÃÁ ã¹·Ø¡ æ ·èÒ¹ä´éà»ç¹à¤Ã×èͧÁ×Í㹡ÒþԨÒóҶ֧¡ÒÃÍ͡Ẻ  Ãкº ËÃ×Íà¤Ã×èͧ¨Ñ¡Ã¡ÅÍѵâ¹ÁÑµÔ à¾×èͪèÇ»ÃѺ»Ãا¡ÒüÅÔµ¢Í§àÃÒ

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Rectangular Robot P P P
Cartesian (gantry) Robot P P P
Cylindrical Robot R P P
Spherical (Polar) Robot R R P
Articulated  Robot R R R
R = Revolute, P = Prismatic


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 Type Of Industrial Robot

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                               OTC Robot Welding  


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                                Robot Welding Application    Robot Welding Application





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Tags : Robot Welding , ËØè¹Â¹µì àª×èÍÁ , 6 Axis Robot , ᢹ¡Å

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